Crowes Candle Company Craft Show Schedule

Crowe's® Candle Company Craft Show Schedule - 2022

craftshow display for candles

Updated 1 August 2022

Craft Show Information

No Information at this time.

We will be posting craft shows as information becomes available.

We will not be at as many shows this year but will continue to offer our discount on our website.

Thank you for your understanding

We have continued our 10% discount for online sales as our way of saying thank you for the support. 
During these trying times please continue to stay safe. 
Steve and Marie Crowe

 No information at this time
The schedule is subject to change

Did you know?

As many of you are aware, we often run out of fragrances during the course of a craft show.

To allow us to better serve our valued customers, we have implemented a pre-
show ordering program.

Simply phone your order, using our 1-573-783-2741number, no later than the Wednesday prior to the show and we will have your order ready for pickup when you arrive. You do not pay for your pre-pack order until you have made your final selection at the show.

Feel free to call up to 9 p.m.

For those individuals that don't pre-order candles and would like us to ship candles not available at the show, there will be a shipping and handling fee added to the order.

Guaranteed to be "The Best Candle You Will Ever Buy"™

Crowes Candles


Thank you and hope to see you soon at a craft show.

The Crowe Family
Crowes Candle Company®